15 November 2005

too good

I think the main reason why I hate people - not particular people, but people in general - is that they all think they are too good.

I was at the grocery store last night and they were totally slammed - every checkout was backed up and it took forever to get through. The guy in front of me was being all huffy & puffy that he had to stand in line like his time is too precious and he is the only one who matters in this world. He had a full cart (of like 10 things of egg beaters...weird) and because the place was so slammed there were no bag-boys, so the guy just stood there and watched his groceries pile up at the end of the conveyor belt. Then he stood there watching for 10 minutes while this poor 50 year old asian dude tried to bag them. Meanwhile - that's 10 minutes that I have to stand there and watch this jerk off watch someone bag his groceries when he could have been doing it on his own while the other dude scanned the items.

That is why I hate people. If he is in such a big hurry, then he should be bagging his own groceries. He should also think about the fact that if he bags his own groceries, I will get out of here faster. He should also think about making this asian dude's life a little easier. But no, he is too good to bag groceries. As precious as his time is, it is not precious enough for him to stoop to the level of bagging groceries. If I had seen what car was his, I would have keyed it to the metal from bumper to bumper.

Next time you are at the grocer, bag your own fucking groceries.

Triton Unleashed, which is a blog linked at right, posted today about manners that compliments my point, as does the article he links to, although he leaves out the negativity & cuss words that I use.

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