21 July 2005

daylight wastingstime

Apparently the Energy Bill that just passed the House and will (hopefully) go before the Senate sooner rather than later includes a provision that will extend Daylight Savingstime by 2 months. AWESOME!! Not that I like waking up in the morning when it is pitch dark outside, but it is a lot better than walking out of the office when it is pitch dark outside.

But if this happens, we will be in daylight savings time for 9 months, and "standard" time for only 3. Shouldn't we call the 9 months standard and the 3 months Daylight Wastingstime? It's like when the weatherman says that the temperature has been above normal for a long time - well then hasn't "normal" changed?

Whatever it's called, this will drastically improve my quality of life as there will be fewer days of the year that I feel like I have spent my whole day inside.

Of course, I'm in law school now so I don't have a problem with that...and someday I will probably have to work until it is dark outside regardless, but let's not talk about that.

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