10 October 2005

the towel

When do you scrap your day as useless and wasted and just throw it in?

Really, any day that you think has been wasted has indeed been wasted, because not only have you failed to get anything done, but you failed to relax and enjoy time off. It's almost 10 and I still haven't accepted the fact that I am not going to do any school work whatsoever today. I don't have to get anything done, so putting it off isn't the end of the world. Sometimes, I'm just too tired to work. Not sleepy, but tired in the head and tired emotionally.

But who wants to read blogs about people just bitching about their life? I don't.

Something I haven't written about thus far is my enigmatic addiction to super geek tv. I try to limit the shows that I get into to one, and since I started school last year that one has been Battlestar Galactica. It comes on at 10pm on fridays, which unfortunately is generally an ideal time for me to take a study break.

They're showing reruns of the second season right now, but that is just as well since I didn't watch over the summer (I'm not THAT much of a loser). In the episode this friday, one of the characters (Starbuck, who is a woman in the new series) returned to her war torn home planet and went way out of her way to go by her old apartment. Once there, she popped in an old tape, lit a cigar, and sat back and listened to what I have now identified as Philip Glass' Metamorphosis 1 from his 1989 album "Solo Piano."

This is one of those shows that really works if you let yourself believe. If you don't, then it is just a dorky Sci-Fi show that comes on at a time when no reasonable person would be home. But if you do, the characters are engaging and complex and the story line has meaning that you can sink you teeth into and should give you something to think about in life. The contrast of this song with the chaos & pain that is going on rivals Goodfellas' use of Layla as the one of the best theatrical uses of music of all time.

At the time of this post, you can download the song here - apparently it is public domain piece.

So, in the episode while this song is playing, Starbuck comments that "Everyone else is fighting to get back what once was theirs. I'm fighting because it's the only thing I know how to do."

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