You'd think she might be more worried about the women who were getting raped in the Superdome. Why do so many people in the world pay attention to the wrong shit? And why hasn't the National Counsil of Women's Organizations figured out that this woman has done more to delegitimize their cause than Andrew Dice Clay? There is still sexism in America, and it should be delt with - but not by this press-hound.
Burk plans to protest new NHL ad news services
The NHL's new advertising campaign is getting attention, but not the kind it was likely hoping for.
According to a report from The Canadian Press, Martha Burk, the chair of the National Council of Women's Organizations, said she intends to write letters of protest to the NHL and NBC over the NHL's new ad campaign, which is set to begin next week.
The first spot, titled "It's Time," shows a player (an actor, not an NHL player) in a locker room, surrounded by candles and accompanied by a woman who ceremoniously helps him don his hockey garb. The ads feature quotes from Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" along with dramatic camera work and music reminiscent of the film "Braveheart."
Burk told The Canadian Press that the ad is "offensive on many levels."
"The woman is dressed provocatively and when she asks the player if he's ready, it's a double-entendre in my view," Burk told The CP. "She's in the ad as a groomer, a sex object.
"The commercial is clearly selling sex and violence and the last image in that commercial is a young boy watching this, so he's clearly the customer they're after, or it's a misguided attempt to draw in families."
NHL spokeswoman Bernadette Mansur told The Canadian Press that was not the case.
"This ad shows no disrespect for women," Mansur told The CP. "On the contrary, the woman is the spiritual and physical trainer for the 'Warrior' and is his mentor."
Players, league personnel and media attended the unveiling of the campaign at The Museum of Television and Radio in Manhattan on Wednesday night.
The ads were conceived by a company called Conductor, an entertainment marketing company that has contributed to campaigns for "Spider-Man" and Green Day music videos.
For the NHL, the team created a series of commercials and print ads that will be released next week. The commercials will be packaged in a five-part story that will unfold through February.