30 September 2005

have you seen this?

The Alabama quarter has Hellen Keller on it and says "Spirit of Courage." Hellen Keller is great an all, but there has got to be a more acurate representation of the state's attitude and heritage.

How 'bout:
Alabama - One of three states that still incorporates the Confederate St. Andrew's Cross in our flag.

Of course, to say that the flag "incorporates" confederate bars is a little misleading since the flag IS the Confederate cross. At least it's not the Battle Flag, like Mississippi. Florida is the 3rd state, although their's is probably the least obvious.

And in all fairness, Alabama adopted its flag in 1895, so they at least have some argument that keeping the flag is about heritage. Georgia, on the other hand, added the Confederate Bars to its state flag in 1956.

But replaced the flag in 2001 or so, and now flies a non-racist flag:

Does this vest make me look fat?

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