16 June 2005

Get out of the way

I live in a big city with a lot of people, so there are bound to be a lot of morans. And where there are a lot of morans, there are a lot of morans on the road. I'm sure that is not an uncommon problem, but since I have an hour long commute to my internship this summer I run into way too many of them. That's ok.

What I don't understand is how many of them are cab drivers. It's amazing. And I don't mean aggressive lane-changing crazy tail-gating taxi cab drivers. I mean slow cruising just under the speed limit in the left lane of a 5 lane 55 mph highway where the flow of traffic rarely dips below 70 and if you are going 80 in the fast lane you are in teh way.

So how then can professional drivers, espically the ones that ONLY ever drive between Dulles Airport and the city, drive like such morans? If they want to go slow and run up the tab, that is their business - but get the hell out of the way.

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