14 April 2007

little did he know. . .

Remember that movie trailer that you saw a while back and thought to yourself "man, that looks pretty good. I should go see that when it comes out." That movie was called Stranger than Fiction. If you haven't seen it yet, it's on DVD now and waiting for you at Blockbuster, Hollywood, or Netflix. You should see it. I don't see a lot of movies, but I will say that this is one of the best movies I've seen in a while.

It is not a Will Ferrell vehicle. It is a funny and dark and life affirming all at once. Dustin Hoffman is all that you would expect from him, and Maggie Gyllanhaal and Emma Thompson are perfectly cast. Mix in direction by Marc Forster of Monsters Ball and Finding Neverland and you have an impeccably acted film that is not too intense but not too bubble gum.

news of the day:

Lawyer Says Rove Assumed E-Mail Was Kept
Karl Rove, the chief political strategist for President
Bush, did not intentionally delete e-mail messages to avoid
creating a paper trail, his lawyer said.


This is actually not that surprising to me and while it is difficult for me to believe anything that comes from anyone associated with the Bush administration, when I interned at a government agency I remember being shocked that each individual was responsible for retaining their own e-mail.

on the iPod:
Paul Weller, Days of Speed

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