17 April 2007

drugs are good

I would be remiss to fail to mention the shootings yesterday, but even though I am never anything more than a voice in the wind, I hate writing about the same thing that everyone is writing about. I will say only that this country is screwed. Things like this don't happen in other places. To be sure, Iraq has it's own problems with violence, but that does not mitigate what happens here. These types of things will continue.

On more upbeat note, until last week it had been well over 5 years since I last took antibiotics. Faced with the over-prescription of drugs in our society, I decided to fight the trend and not contribute to breeding the super-bacteria. But last week over the course of 2 days I entered an accelerating decline that left me hacking up things of unspeakable size and color. Unable to do what I normally do (which is shut down for 2 days and eat drink & sleep until I get better) I went to the doctor and grabbed a prescription for amoxicillin. It took all of 15 hours for me to start feeling extremely better. I have 2 days left on the prescription, and have been pretty much back to full strength for a while now.

I figure that since I feel better, I can stop taking the drugs.


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