05 June 2006



It still amazes me how many fully able-bodied men sit in their seat when women or elderly get on the train. What also amazes me is that every time it happens, I am suprised. I must have an amazingly resilient optimism or positive outlook toward the obviously undeserving selfish unaware commuters who sit there tapping away at their blackberries and talking way too loud on their cell phones all the way to work while the rest of us just try to zone out and enjoy what otherwise would have been one of the more peaceful parts of our day.

I am almost positive that I have written on this topic before, but I will probably write about it again unless people change.

And why are there so many rudely oblivious people out there in the world? Because they have rude and oblivious parents who don't teach them any better. I hate everyone.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it kind of hypocritical to complain via a blog about the ineptitude of others who may not know any better rather than attemtping to change someone's outlook on life by asking them to give up their seat? Don't you think your day might be a bit more peaceful knowing you at least tried?

Anonymous said...

It still amazes me how many addlebrained men equate womyn with the elderly when it comes to the ability to stand on a train. For a minute I thought this blog was from 1906, not 2006. But the date's at the top, and--you know--they didn't have the internet back then.

End transmission.