04 May 2006

sugar rush

I drank like 4 Mountain Dews a day when I was in high school. I also played sports at school and was generally active - but no matter how you cut it, that is not a good diet. Now, I'm not sure why the soda companies have to do this when it should be the schools taking steps to improve the healt of their students, but this is a step in the right direction.

Bottlers Agree to a School Ban on Sweet Drinks

The country's top three soft-drink companies announced yesterday that beginning this fall they would start removing sweetened drinks like Coke, Pepsi and iced teas from school cafeterias and vending machines in response to the growing threat of lawsuits and state legislation.

Under an agreement between beverage makers and health advocates, students in elementary school would be served only bottled water, low-fat and nonfat milk, and 100 percent fruit juice in servings no bigger than eight ounces. Serving sizes would increase to 10 ounces in middle school. In high school, low-calorie juice drinks, sports drinks and diet sodas would be permitted; serving sizes would be limited to 12 ounces.

full article available http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/04/health/04soda.html?th&emc=th

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