07 February 2006

excuse me mister

On the iPod:
REM, Eponymous;
The Band, The Last Waltz;
Ben Harper, Fight for Your Mind.

I've decided that, although I will try to post the music on the iPod, you can search for it on amazon or allmusic or whatever if you are interested. Pasting the hyperlinks is too much work for something that no one is gonna click on anyway.

I don't understand why all of a sudden it's news that Bush's budget plan cuts domestic programs that help people eat, increases "defense" spending by more than those cuts, and lowers revenue while shifting the tax burden on those who are least able to bear it. Hopefully, between this & the domestic spying, reasonable conservatives will take the power back - even better, maybe reasonable democrats will (although they are getting just as hard to find as reasonable republicans).

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