03 August 2005

Me & Lorenzo

So apparently this dude Bill von Zehle is stationed in Iraq and bought an oldish Benz-O from some dude for like 5 grand. Turns out the car is one of 3 armored vehicles that the Iraqi government bought back in 1988, and comes fully equipped with flamethrowers. Yeah, pretty dope. It's a 1988 560SEL, which looks like this (although this is not the actual car & I assume his is black or dark blue):

One day I will have an old-school Benz - somewhere between 1975 & 1985. I'll just need to restore the Houride first.

Now, I admit, I may or may not have found this story on Fark - but I assume not all of you check that site, and probably none of you conduct the additional research to pull down a picture of that model car, or found his original post on Benzworld.

1 comment:

William von Zehle said...

It's actually white. Dark colours are rather impractical in a country where the temperature reaches 140 F in summer.

William von Zehle