28 January 2007

How is your Sole?

I developed a suspected stress fracture in my foot early last fall. I went to the doctor and among other things, he suggested I try new inserts that would offer more cushioning. I got heat-moldable inserts called Soles.

Running shoes these days are about 100 bucks, so I was not thrilled with having to shell out an extra 40 for inserts, even if they do have technical looking diagrams on the internet.

On the other hand, you spend a lot of time walking or at least wearing shoes. I know a guy who shelled out a lot of bucks to get the most comfortable perfect mattress he could find. Mattresses are expensive anyway, and he got one that is expensive even for mattresses. He explained that he spends at least 8 hours a day in bed, and he wants to be comfortable. That makes sense on a certain level.

By that same rationale, life is too short to wear shoes that are uncomfortable. After wearing my Soles for a couple months now, I can't go without them. When I put on a different pair of shoes, I switch the "soles" and it makes all the difference in the world.

You should get some.

The company website is here: www.yoursole.com

You can order direct, although I got mine cheaper from my local running store.

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