23 January 2007


With the expansion of broad-band internet access, more and more content is available on-line in the form of music and video. This is not news. And don't get me wrong, I think it's great that I can go on YouTube and watch your cousin's girlfriend's brother's home video of him playing guitar or ripping the bumper off his car when he tries to pull it out of the snow.

But what I don't like is when you go to websites and they automatically start playing music or video - ESPN was the first and worst, with some commercial starting up whenever I visit their page. Bands are the next worst. If I am visiting your website, I am already interested in what you are doing. You can have material available, but let me control whether and when I listen to it rather than interrupting what I am already listening to.

In life generally, just because you can do something does not mean that you should. see also, power point animations.

on the iPod:
Phish; Spartanburg, SC 1994

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