20 November 2006

Seasons Change

No, not the hit single by Exposé, although you can watch that video here.

I mean that each year, the seasons are different - and this year Christmas really has come early. No, not in the form of presents to me, but in the form of skipping Thanksgiving all together and going straight for the commercial kill. I have gotten fliers advertising toys - clearly for Christmas. Starbucks is pushing its "Holiday Roast." Someone at school was walking down the hall yesterday whistling "White Christmas." The Salvation Army guy is already posted up at the grocery store ringing his bell - which seems to have gotten smaller and emits a higher pitched more ear splitting ring than the old ones.

It's still warm out - well, sometimes. We have had days in the mid 60s in the last week. Can we just enjoy where we are and look forward to the gluttonous all-american tradition of celebrating all that we have by gorging ourselves on enough food to make ourselves pop before we move on to the next all-american tradition of super-hyped consumerism where we show how much we care about each other by spending money on pre-fabbed materialism?

on the iPod:
Wilco, Live at William & Mary, 4/22/06

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