05 September 2006

Little Things, pt. 5

Of the many developments in technology in the world, one that goes under appreciated is the advecement of trash-bag science.

There is nothing worse than having an over stuffed trash bag that is too weak and when you try to tie off the top, it rips. Rememer twisty-ties? This things that you used to have to wrap around the top of the bag to keep it closed? Across america there are small town that sprouted up around twisty-tie factories, and now they law desolate and unemployed, praying for a Wal Mart call center to move in because now we have not only moved into the Cinch-Sack world with draw-strings built into the bag itself, but we have Flex-Force.

There are some things that just make life easier - that are worth spending a little more money on. When I saw the box of 70 bags on sale at Target, I jumped on the babies. You can stuff them full of broken coat-hangers, and it will stand strong. Taking the trash out sucks enough, so go ahead and spend a little more on the good bags.