28 July 2006

where to begin

I honestly don't even know what to do with this:

Bush Sees a Chance for Change to Sweep Mideast

WASHINGTON, July 28 — President Bush, vowing to turn conflict in the Middle East into a “moment of opportunity” for broader change, said today that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice would be dispatched back to the region on Saturday with a plan for a multinational force that would help Lebanon’s army take over from Hezbollah in the southern part of the country.
. . .
Mr. Bush said that, despite the bloodshed in Lebanon, Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East, democracy is taking root in the region and will flower “unless we lose our nerve.”


Do you think the "multinational" force in Lebanon will be as diverse as the ones in Afghanistan & Iraq? Do you think the people will be as welcoming? Do you think change will be as successful? Do you think Bush will pay for it with more tax cuts? Do you think people will wonder why we let Israel flatten cities and blow up power plants, and then pat ourselvs on the back when we build them tin huts and hand out energizers?

on the iPod:
Coldplay, X&Y;
U2, Joshua Tree;
Drive by Truckers, 4/22/06;

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