26 June 2006

I'll be your boy-toy

Study Casts Doubt On the 'Boy Crisis'Improving Test Scores Cut Into Girls' Lead
By Jay MathewsWashington Post Staff WriterMonday, June 26, 2006; A01

A study to be released today looking at long-term trends in test scores and academic success argues that widespread reports of U.S. boys being in crisis are greatly overstated and that young males in school are in many ways doing better than ever.

Using data compiled from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a federally funded accounting of student achievement since 1971, the Washington-based think tank Education Sector found that, over the past three decades, boys' test scores are mostly up, more boys are going to college and more are getting bachelor's degrees.

Although low-income boys, like low-income girls, are lagging behind middle-class students, boys are scoring significant gains in elementary and middle school and are much better prepared for college, the report says. It concludes that much of the pessimism about young males seems to derive from inadequate research, sloppy analysis and discomfort with the fact that although the average boy is doing better, the average girl has gotten ahead of him.

. . . Which pretty much just means that a boy must have conducted the study.

Full article at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/25/AR2006062501047.html

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